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Preparing Your Clients For The Fishing Charter

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Is it your duty to prepare your passengers for each fishing charter? What if you have young children whom have never been on a boat?  Or a bachelor party of guys who come on the boat ready to drink and fish? What is your coverage if your passenger slips getting on your boat?

For hundreds of years, mariners around the globe subscribed to this truth: YOU are the Captain and YOU are responsible for all “souls” on board your vessel. It holds true to this day. A safe trip out on the water is also an enjoyable trip on the water. Here are some tips to prepare your clients for a safe day on the water and, with kids, you can use this as an opportunity to educate the next generation of boaters and mariners.

  • Listen to Your Captain: We were all born with two ears and one mouth for a reason. Your clients need to know early on that they need to listen to your instructions/directions. This will keep them safe and make for an enjoyable trip.
  • Clothing: Not only is the proper clothing necessary to battle the elements, the proper shoes can prevent the “slip and fall” accidents that can become a nightmare. Sneakers, topsiders, sandals – anything with grip or texture will keep your clients from slipping on a wet deck. Make sure that the shoes don’t have dark soles!
  • Drink Plenty of Water: Dehydration can sneak up on your clients as the trip goes on. Make sure that there are plenty of water/drinks on board. Dehydration can lead to other problems – and likely cut the trip short.
  • Take Your Time: “Haste Makes Waste” Whether your client is climbing on board or excitedly reeling in the catch of a lifetime, you need to stress to the client to be calm and patient. Make sure that your clients are calm and under control.
  • Pay Attention to Your Surroundings: There is an old saying among attorneys: “There is no such thing as an accident. There is only negligence.” Remind you clients to use common sense and to be aware of hooks on the deck, how close they are to the gunnel, etc.
  • Did we mention to Listen to Your Captain?

When you combine these tips with our comprehensive insurance coverage, you’ll be ready to focus on your thriving Fishing Charter business. Contact us for a quote.

Posted in Boating Safety